The North is central to the UK’s future success. We play a leading role in levelling up the North’s economic prosperity, international competitiveness and living standards for the benefit of everyone in our great towns, cities and rural communities, and the country.
Working with partners across the North and with government, we focus on those areas where collective, business-led action can realise the biggest benefits.
Our Priorities
Our work is focused on driving economic prosperity to build a thriving and well-connected North, based around a series of priority areas:
Our Approach

We work in partnership with northern political, civic, business and academic leaders to help the North realise its full potential for the people who live, work and do business here, and for the UK as a whole.
We focus on those areas where collaboration across the North can have the greatest positive impact on people’s lives and our economy. This includes a focus on the prime capabilities identified in the Northern Powerhouse Independent Economic Review.
The North is the solution to many of the country’s challenges with our world-leading assets and cross-sector talent.
An ever-strengthening commitment to partnership working with the North’s business and civic leaders has helped attract and accelerate investment from Government, businesses and international stakeholders in recent years.
With major investments in infrastructure, commercial opportunities and innovative technologies continuing to emerge at scale and pace, the North has the capability to drive growth in key areas such as the transition to Net Zero, innovation, place, trade & investment and digital.