Our Policy Positions
The following documents set out the NP11’s overall policy positions. You can learn more about our work on our core policy areas of clean growth, innovation, trade and investment, digital, and placemaking in the Our Priorities section.
Convention of the North with NP11: our partnership offer
Published in October 2021 in partnership with northern political leaders, this document sets out our combined offer to ensure the North plays its full part in levelling up the UK, leading the transition to a Net Zero economy and developing a competitive Global Britain.
It focuses on five “gamechangers” which, through collaboration across the North and with Government, will grow an inclusive economy that delivers for the North and the country, while also tackling the health inequalities that have been laid bare by COVID-19.
2021 Spending Review submission
Our submission to the Treasury sets out how the 2021 Spending Review could provide the pounds and powers to help the North level up. Our submission focuses on our five policy areas of clean growth, innovation, trade and investment, digital and placemaking, and also calls for investment in:
- A Northern Evidence Network to ensure that local, regional and national leaders can base decisions on the best possible evidence about the economy and potential future growth areas
- Enabling LEP’s and growth hubs to provide best-in-class skills and business support
- The North’s transport network

Manifesto for the North
The Manifesto for the North was created by the NP11 and Convention of the North as a bold new vision for the North of England.
Born out of the NP11 and Convention of the North event in September 2019 – where hundreds of people from across the North came together to discuss and debate key policy priorities – the Manifesto for the North can unleash its full potential.